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The range of paper soup cups can be used to serve hot or cold food. Available in sizes from 8 to 32oz. And optional lids.

The calibers of our PET cup series are 78mm, 89mm, 92mm, 93mm, 95mm, 96mm, 98mm, 107mm, with excellent transparency.

PS lids are the most popular coffee cup lids. They are affordable and versatile.

Our premium single wall cups are available in various sizes from 1 oz to 22 oz to suit the different needs of the global market. In addition to white, we also offer custom printing.

The size of the double wall paper cup series is from 4oz to 20oz, which has a better heat insulation function than single wall cups.

The paper bowl series is one of the most popular takeaway food containers in the world, it is economical and durable, and can be used to hold noodles, salads, pizza and more.

PET lids are suitable lids for cold drink cups, there are many models to choose from, all of our PET cups can be matched with suitable lids.

The size of the ripple wall paper cup series is from 4oz to 20oz, The outer layer of corrugated paper makes the cup more comfortable to hold and has the best thermal insulation properties.

Our take-away lunch box series is available in a wide range of models and sizes, suitable for the needs of most catering markets around the world.

Our Premium single wall cups are available in various sizes from 1 oz to 22 oz to suit the different needs of the global market. In addition to white. we also offer custom printing.

Our paper lid series has the following two types. Compared with plastic lids, paper lids are a more environmentally friendly choice.
- Paper pulp lids
- PE/PLA coated paper lids

Our pizza boxes are available in a variety of sizes, including custom printing. Easy to use and high hardness.

The inner wall coating of this series of paper cups is PLA, not PE. Therefore it is compostable.

Plastic-free coating technology is the latest recyclable and degradable disposable food packaging material technology. It is more environmentally friendly and economical than PLA, and it is fully recyclable.

We can provide vending machine paper cups in various sizes, which are suitable for the usage habits of many regions around the world. We also provide customized service of size.
Our edges in paper cup manufacturing
18 Years of Leadership
With more than 18 years in the paper cup manufacturing industry, GMZ has not only honed our skills but also deepened our understanding of global market, making us a leading paper cup supplier for businesses around the world.
Strategic Location
GMZ’s strategic location in a major paper industry hub in China uniquely positions us as a wholesale paper cups provider. This not only gives us access to a large network of high-quality raw materials and resources at competitive prices, but it also ensures consistent quality, stable supply, and fast delivery times. That’s why we’re confident in delivering every bulk paper cup order right on time, every time.
Certified Quality and Safety
Every paper cup from GMZ undergoes food contact grade material testing by SGS to ensure safe food contact, and free from any harmful chemicals. We are also proud to hold the ISO9001 quality management system certificate, compostability certificate (DIN13432), and qualified BSCI and SMETA monitoring reports. You can be confident that you’re partnering with a fully qualified paper cup manufacturer.
Eco-Friendly Practices
GMZ, an eco-friendly paper cup supplier, puts sustainability first. We only use paper from trusted sources that protect our forests, helping to keep our planet healthy. We also use safe water-based and soy inks for printing to reduce harm to the environment. This makes us a top choice for green wholesale paper cups and meets the growing demand for sustainable packaging solutions.
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